Read as an Editor

{ adventure is calling ya? → follow your calling (soon) } - the only hand-written newsletter on the internet, written in the past tense to make you feel something in the present moment.

Leave this page...

if you’re impatient,

an attention whore,

full of FOMO,

obsessed with making a quick buck,

and a jerk


This is a slow, friendly, and sometimes funny letter.

In fact...

The only hand-written letter on the internet.

Every day, you get an email with personal words,

written in the present tense,

to make you feel something in the past* moment...or the other way around.

With slow words from a fellow human survivor.

Do you not want to survive?

A touch of slow-grow-like-nature.

In a world that is obsessed with hydra-connected velocity.



Alexander Kluge - - Ecommerce Copywriter, Persuasive Email Storyteller for Creator Brands
say hi to Sahara (July 2016)




I hand-write on the internet and publish hand-written books**.

Each piece is an original and unique—naturally.

Oh, and I hand-copy other people’s articles and books and then send the author my carefully created piece as a gift and as a way of appreciating them and their thoughtfulness.

As a counterweight to the manic hydra-speed in our hydra-connected world.


We do our best work when we work deeply,

with careful attention.

You can shop my favorite pen and paper here...
(once I will have them.)

(You’ll get my favorite typeface as well.)

Thank you, Neil Gaiman, we will have never met. But it was a pleasure to see you shine with Timothy Ferriss.

*according to my credo: don’t tell me what you’re going to do, tell me what you got done

**that’s why my books are short and feel more like personal letters from me to you rather than mass-produced pieces of impersonal Einheitsbrei.




© 2007-2024

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Amateur human and explorer of the world
~ survive experiment thrive ~


what i learned...


what i thought...

what i experienced in RAW life...

{Sunday Truth} (email only)

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archive (old stuff) soon